Resolving issues within airlines

Airlines Resolving Issues and Regaining Strength

Star-Navigation Systems, a company based in Canada, is leading the way in solving pressing aerospace issues. The areas being focused on include safety, lowering costs, and addressing climate change. 

Focus on Safety

Star-Navigation systems will mandate live tracking of aircraft. As well, it will give updates of an aircraft’s location as often as every 30 seconds. Besides addressing safety, this system is also addressing cost reduction for airlines. 

Furthermore, solving these aerospace issues can also be addressed through the Global Aeronautical Distress and Safety System (GADSS). GADDS will enforce live tracking of aircraft in order to prevent tragic incidents. GADDS will also require aircraft to report every 15 minutes. Satellite communication will be of use to track the aircraft. 

Lowering Costs

Hence, by obtaining information about the aircraft’s engines and other types of operational data, airlines can get the most effective use of the aircraft and network. This monitoring allows for quick maintenance as problems within the aircraft are reported instantly. Long-term, this can reduce the amount of maintenance costs for the aircraft. 

Protecting the Environment

As well, using less fuel in the aircraft can lead to reduced costs and less carbon emissions. Besides saving money, this could lead toward advancements in net-zero carbon emissions by the year 2050. 

Therefore, analyzing the operational developments of aircraft can lead to less carbon emissions and less fuel being utilized. These operational improvements can also be done within weeks instead of years.

Overall, solving these aerospace issues will improve the safety of aircraft, reduce costs, and positively impact the environment.


Sponsored: Telemetry in a box provides benefits. Airlines. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2022, from


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