Air Cargo Forum in Miami, FL

Air Cargo Forum in Miami, FL

The air cargo forum is a long-established meeting of the air cargo community. The new permanent home for it is now Miami, Fl. It is organized by Messe München and will take place on November 8-10, 2022. This forum combines the air cargo and transport logistics industries together, with the goal of increasing business connections for people in the U.S., and North and South America. 

Industry experts will be present at the conference. They will be providing insight into the transportation, air cargo, supply chain, and logistics industry to those interested. As well, there will be chances to increase profits at this conference by doing business with cargo shippers and markets worldwide. 

Furthermore, the Air Cargo Forum in Miami, FL will allow people to exhibit their business’s innovative products and solutions. It will also allow insight into what the other air cargo and transport logistics brands are offering. ​​For more information, visit


Partners educational program. Messe München. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2022, from 


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